Friday, November 2, 2007

Talking About Money at Church

Bring up the word Money at church and watch everyone get quiet. I live in a rural area and I attend church in a small town. While I understand that things are tough all over, we are in an especially low-income area.

With that as our backdrop, what happens when you tell a Sunday School class full of young married couples (with kids) that you are going to spend four weeks talking about personal finance? You fill the class. It is the strangest phenomenon; nobody talks about money, but everybody wants to talk about money. Too often, the Church ignores the topic of money except when discussing Tithing. There is little discussion of budgeting, debt, consumer issues, relational issues, etc. We're hoping to see that change.

We began our series with the Biblical principles for money management, which focused on God's roles in our finances and our roles.

From a biblical perspective, all of the earth is the Lords and He has complete control over all resources. God's role is Owner, Controller, and Provider. Our role is the role of steward, or manager. The resources we have under our controller are given to us by God and someday we will be called to account for our management of the resources.

If you are interested in more information on a Biblical perspective of money management, Crown Ministry is a wonderful place to begin.

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